
Selamat Datang dan Silahkan Berkonsultasi dengan Dr. Ben Tentang Jasa dan Produk Pegelasan

Saya Adalah dr. Ben Khel Lhas, M.K.J, Ph.D., panggil saja dr. Ben (dokter Ben), saya lulusan dokter pengelasan dan motivator sehat Kusuma Jaya, master di bidang kesehatan bisnis pengelasan dan doktorat bidang motivator bisnis hijau dan perilaku cerdas.

STiMUN, dr. Ben's Advice for Building Future Generations

Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

dr. Ben Khel Lhas, M.K.J., Ph.D.
(Welding Doctor and Business Motivator for You)
Topic on Kusuma Jaya News: "STiMUN, the Kusuma Jaya's Strategic Outbreaking with Using Global Languages on KJNews"
Edition number: 003/KJN/I/dr.Ben/21Maret/2014
Introduction: "the Internationality, get the International Reads This"
This is the firs step for me to using international languages for KJNews (Kusuma Jaya News). You will see the edition number from this articles and i hope the reader will be enjoyed with this strategy that been promoted from Kusuma Jaya, The Profesional Ordered Wield.

STiMUN was defined as "Strategi Tiga Menara UNggulan (in Indonesian Languages)" or also means Three Pillar Prior-Strategy. This strategy was founded for my disertation in local business growth that inclueded the stepping to start the business from the Zero Condition to the UpperCondition.

1. First Pillar is "ASTA"
Word "asta" in javanese means "hand". ASTA included Analitical Strategic Testing Arguments, function as the preparing step to making business. Every business need analitical argument with survey to know how far some kind business can be accepted the civilization in local segmentation, regional segmentation, national segmentation or international segmentation.
With the modern technology, analitical arguments or survey can be taken easier, faster and better with using online form to the responden. After using this methode, do the analysis to knowing the graph result.

2. Secondary Pillar is "QPSS"
This strategy means Quality of Product and Service Strategy. Pillar QPSS was designed to analysis the quality of product that any business want to sell and service integration for any kind of business to do. This is important if you want to survive your business.
This QPPS Strategy include DPU Stepping Programme, means:
  • "D" - Diversification and Optimalization of the Product: this D-Factor is focus on segmenting of your product (note: segmenting is the function of age, location, etc.), diversification of your product (that consumen can choose product with their variation criteria), and optimalization of the quality and pricing product.
  • "P" - Perfecting Service Quality: this P-Factoris focus on improving and integrating the service can be given to the consumen, this is important to analysis.
  • "U" - Upgrading after Selecting Human Resources Integration: this U-Factor is focus on building your business as comfort as his own family to work. Mark this dr.Ben's words: "nobody cares about you except yourself and your family". Did you know if anyone can be changed because of him/herself have been disturbed or his/her family have been disturbed someone? i think anyone knows, that somebody (in majority calculation) can murder each other because of his/her painful. yes it is!. so makes your own business comfort with apreciating his/her works, celebrating his/her birthday, or anything else. trust me, its works!

3. Third Pillar is "GMP"
This strategy means Good Marketing and Promotion. This GMP-Factor needs to be integrated and calculated, so any business you choose can be logic and feasible to do.
First GMP-Factor stepping, you need to do:
"Use theme in every year for your own business to growth".
Sample: Kusuma Jaya's Theme - SevenPhase Escalation’s Theme (2014 till 2020)
  • (2014) OE-Officepoint Escalationproject, i.e. Project to improven formula in office aspect.
  • (2015) Building New Future Brand for dr.Ben Kusuma Jaya, i.e. Project to words "what makes Kusuma Jaya different with the other".
  • (2016) Spirit Welding Never Dying, i.e. Growth the new project and innovation technology on working programme.
  • (2017) Perfecting Passion, i.e. Improving passionista for Kusuma Jaya News (secreat).
  • (2018) ONEShoot Closer, i.e. Stepping to take the National Sertification for Kusuma Jaya Profesional Ordered Wield.
  • (2019) Financial Outbreak, i.e. Makes the profit outbreak to expansion project.
  • (2020) New Kusuma Jaya Rising Year.

Second GMP-Factor stepping, you need to do:
"ABC Plus+ Strategy"
A: Audience (i.e. focus on consumen)
B: Unique Benefit (i.e. focus on unique benefit can be given to the concumen)
C: Compelling Reason Why (i.e. focus on the integration of the aspect that can be included to the product or service program, so the consumen want to layal for your product)
Plus+: PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Program Control

Third GMP-Factor stepping, you need to do:
a. Motto i.e. building brand with a short words for the product or service.
b. Mascot i.e. building brand in a image words for the product or service.
Sample: Kusuma Jaya with me "dr.Ben"
c. Advertisement Strategy i.e. makes advertising as best as you can.

This is the end of my word. Thanks for reading my articles on KJNews (Kusuma Jaya News) - Read Weekly on
My Warm n Lovely Regards to all Readers from dr. Ben, thank you so much.
dr. Ben - 085.625.01237 
 - Kusuma Jaya News (Read Weekly

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©2014 This item was designed by: 
Abdurrahman El Muhammad, Kudus, Central Java [@elabdurrahman]
This special performance analysis adapted from: National Business Chellenge Competition 2014

Sponsorship and partnership: 
Kusuma Jaya, the Profesional Ordered Wield
Contact Service: 
Ali Musafa 
Phone: +6281-74-883-775 (mobile) or 021-99981751 (office) 
Street Pancasila University Rt.002/04 Gg. Cemara, Lenteng Agung Barat, Jagakarsa - SOUTH JAKARTA
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